Jenn Broyles joined Enticement Stables in 2024. Her love for horses began when she was 8
years old and started weekly riding lessons. By the time she was 9 she had her first pony and
began competing in local hunter jumper shows. As a young rider she competed in the National
Capital Equitation League on the “A” team. In high school she had the privilege of taking weekly
lessons with Elizabeth Solter when she would travel to Davidsonville, MD. In her senior year of
high school she became a student of Rachel Kennedy’s in Brookeville, MD. Rachel encouraged
her to expand her goals for her final year of showing, and they achieved her dream of
competing in the Washington International Horse Show in Washington, D.C. In that year she
also qualified for the Gittings Horsemanship Equitation Finals and finished in 6 th place, as well as
qualifying for the Zone 3 Children’s Hunter Finals where she earned Champion.
Jenn stopped competing after high school and focused on earning her Bachelors degree in
Elementary Education at Towson University. She would come home every weekend to ride any
available horses at all her friends’ farms. After college she became a 2 nd grade teacher for eight
years until she had her twin boys in 2020.
Jenn has taught riding lessons since 2017. She loves combining her passion for teaching with
her love of horses. She is especially interested in bringing up students to compete in their first
horse shows, and in training ponies. When she is not horsing around, Jenn loves spending time
with her family: her husband Matthew, and their twins, Marshall and Theodore.